Monday, February 26, 2007

Difficulty Swallowing

When you are laying in bed ready to fall asleep, thinking of your day and its events, do you regret anything? Or do you just tell yourself that what happend happend for a reason and just blow it off? For some, regret is an "all the time" kindof thing, for others regret comes every once in a while. It's almost like a pill that is really hard to swallow, no matter how much water you drink that sucker isn't going down.

Although its easier for some more than others, we all deal with regret at some point in our lives. It is human to regret! Wether it's something small like cheating on a diet or something big like taking a job across the country. We will always ask ourselves one question, "What would it have been like if I chose differently?" I think that choices are always difficult to make and will continue to be difficult until the day I die, so why regret any of it?

If you live your life with regret it will consume you and become a burden too heavy to carry. You are forced with decisions each day and don't always know which one will be better for you, the lack of information is always the suckiest part of having choices. For example: you are in the woods, taking a walk, and the road ahead forks off into two paths. Now, both look pretty much the same but one looks more worn than the other. Which do you take? The one that everyone else has taken(consistency is always comforting) or the one no one ever goes down? Both are equally inviting and come with the same consequences. If we take the "Road Not Taken" (the current poem I am reading in Eng class by Robert Frost) all we will be thinking about is the path we COULD have taken...again regret.

Why can't we just pick one and stick with it and not wonder or regret?!? At the end of the day the only thing to remember is that you can't change the past. What is done is done! Now the real question is if you COULD go back in time and change things would you really want to? The consequences would be the same...or would they? Is one choice really better than the other? If one path makes you happier than the other is that the right path to take or should you take the harder path that may or may not lead to happiness? Do right choices always make us happy and wrong choices always make us sad? I think that is tangent for another day...

Haiku for regret:

Choices are not always easy
Life is to short
Regret is pointless

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dark and Twisty

I recently wrote a paper for my english 102 class that had to critique a short story. I chose a story that dealt with a depressed mother/wife and the effects that her condition had on her husband and son. I compared it to Walt Disney's fairy tales such as: Cinderella, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and so on, kindof like an inverted fairy tale. It turned out really well and got an A+ on it but at the same time it really made me think. Yeah fairy tales are good and all when youre a kid but honestly my hopes were set waaaaay high when it came to finding "Prince Charming".

It is truley a sad day when those unrealistic expectations are shot to crap when you find that "Prince Charming" really is "once upon a dream" or in no dream at all. Although this is quite a depressing matter, the truth is I think that maybe Prince Charming would get on my nerves!! For instence, if this handsome prince tried to help me up onto his mighty stallion I think I would say, "Honey, do my legs look broken?? Get the crap off of me and let me do it myself!" I guess being raised by an independent mother has slightly nudged me into an independent state myself. Oh well, I'm thinking maybe that will be good in the long run...right?

So here's my Haiku for fairy tales:

Grimm Brothers were smart
Furry creatures don't talk
Disney was on something

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Recipe for Haikus

Okay so haikus are pretty much the coolest way of expressing yourself without being sucked into the boringness of poetry. What is a haiku you ask? Well, I do believe that they are Japanese poems that consist of 3 non-rhyming lines of meaning or nonsense, for example:

Worker bees are drones
Even they can fly away
The queen is their slave

How do you make a haiku? Piece of cake.
Step 1) find a topic to write about
Step 2) write out a couple of funny limerick-type sentences that don't rhyme for practice
Step 3) when you have your practice sentences, you will need to break them down so that the whole haiku has a total of 17 syllables, no more, no less
Again, keep in mind that this cannot rhyme and doesn't even have to make sense....have fun!


So I guess I better tell a little more about myself before I start pounding away. First things first--my writting skills are crap so expect the worst and my writting will be worse than that!! :) I live in Charleston, SC with my mom and am going to school at the local community college for an associates degree in nursing. My sister, brother-in-law, and their two gorgeous kids live a ten minutes drive from our house in good ol' West of the Ashley. The rest of our insane (yet loveable) family is scattered throughout the US.

Besides juggling school, work, friends, and family, life is pretty good. After I finish my nusing degree here, I plan on moving out west to where my awesome A.K. lives. San Diego would be a starting point for my life as a nurse. I would go on some medical missions and all together find out who I am and what I'm supposed to do with my life.

My mom got into blogging a few months ago and I got interested in it because...well....honestly it just looked fun! I will probably vent a lot or talk about the most random things possible but it should be fun. Hopefully my grammer skills will improve so that mom won't write comments on my postings. I can see it now....Kelly you need a comma right there...Kelly that makes no sense. Well mom you could always not read it if it bugs you that much!