Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Recipe for Haikus

Okay so haikus are pretty much the coolest way of expressing yourself without being sucked into the boringness of poetry. What is a haiku you ask? Well, I do believe that they are Japanese poems that consist of 3 non-rhyming lines of meaning or nonsense, for example:

Worker bees are drones
Even they can fly away
The queen is their slave

How do you make a haiku? Piece of cake.
Step 1) find a topic to write about
Step 2) write out a couple of funny limerick-type sentences that don't rhyme for practice
Step 3) when you have your practice sentences, you will need to break them down so that the whole haiku has a total of 17 syllables, no more, no less
Again, keep in mind that this cannot rhyme and doesn't even have to make sense....have fun!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Can you remember that one about the Mustang you were always bugging me for?