It was my best friend Phyllis' 19th birthday and of course we had planned a little get together for her yesterday. We invited about 40 people and were just gonna cook some hot dogs and hamburgers and relax by the beach. Well, like any other party we had to go shopping for food and decorations and so on. We made a list and estimated what to buy and how much we should buy and headed for Wally World - for those of you unfamiliar with this lingo, it means Wal-Mart!
Everything was going good and were on our way back to her house when we realized we forgot the produce, so off to the store for the second time we went. Well this happend about 4 times!! We kept forgetting important things and had to keep going back!
During one of these outings, we had our first near death experience! We got into our first car accident on one of the most crazy roads in Charleston - Folly. Anyway, no one was hurt except for the cars and we left the scene with only scratches and bruises, thankfully. What a way to start your birthday right?
After her mom picked us up and took us home we started getting ready for the party - I mean come on, what a crappy day but why not top it off with a little fun still?? So, during the party we had kareoke and danced a little and it was so much fun until....I fell down the outside stairs!!!!!! I am probably the clumsiest person I know and leave it to me to be totally sober and fall down a flight of stairs! So, not only am I suffering a little whiplash but my left butt cheek is black and blue! But overall I would say that it was a pretty good night!
Fig and I going wild!
Singing with the girls
Phyllis and I after our wacko day